Plant Spirit Medicine & Aromatherapy
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived.” - Helen Keller
The wisdom of plant spirit medicine alchemy as a vehicle for healing is ancient – at least 6000 years old. Aromatherapy uses essential oils - volatile plant based extracts derived from aromatic plants, with roots in herbal medicine. Many consider essential oils to be the vital life force and the heart and soul of the plant. Scent memory is a powerful tool for healing, and can aide in remembering dreams, past life experiences, trauma, and more. It can also be used to consciously imprint experiences that you want to recall in the future. Thus, aromatherapy is the perfect companion for the journey of accessing and fully owning your inner guidance and the wisdom of your soul.
I use high vibrational essential oils and medicines from the earth to support your spiritual growth. An aromatherapy session after a guided walk in the forest serves to ground you. Use your personal blend during meditation at home or whenever you want you remember the lessons of the forest.
Essential oil blends used in experiences may be purchased for home use.
email marydonna (at) for more information.
I am a practicing aromatherapist, and have been working with essential oils for over 25 years, initially certified by RJ Buckle and Associates, and further study with Joan Clark, Peter Snow, Raphael D’Angelo, Robert Tisserand, and others.
The Honorable Harvest - Robin Wall Kimmerer